Saturday, November 24, 2012

We're hardcore athletes ... In pretty outfits!

"C'mon girls! Today, we're not ballerinas! We're hardcore athlete... In pretty outfits!"
- Michelle P. Owner of Fit Girl Studio

In spin class today, a fellow fit girl looked over at me and said, "I was so excited to get up and get to class today!" My response, "Me too! ...and that's how it should be!" My cousin also text me this morning from Cleveland (she lives here in Chicago but was visiting for the holiday)- she said that she tried a barre class in Cleveland and was so thankful for our studios in Chicago because they're such a better workout. LOVE it!

So my big accomplishments today in barre with miss Cassie:
- I used my grey weights again!
-I kicked butt in the abs section! Michelle agreed, our abs were screaming from the start! Cass- whatever you do girl (I think it's the tight grip on the strap while we work our abs) I feel sore for days!
-even with exhaustion, I held my plank for 45 of the 60 seconds at the end of class.
"You did a GREAT job today ladies! You're beautiful, you're strong- you're a Fit Girl!"-Cassie!

Spin class makes me feel so motivated! I love a hardcore workout! In specific, I love spin shred! Michelle, I liked using the weights for most of the moves today; good call!
Accomplishments errr Epiphanies in Spin Shred
- "C'mon girls, pull those legs in big beautiful 360 degree circles- that's right...pull pull!" I realized DUH- Even though I've taken spin for years, I never actually hard this part of my form correct. Maybe that's why I hurt my knee so often in spin class (not badly just a little ache after class). I wasn't pulling up! I was pushing my feet down (which puts more weight/pressure on your knees). WOW! I had heard instructors at Fit Girl say it SO many times but I've never actually followed that! It makes pushing pulling through those hills a LOT easier! WOW! Amazing
-All of those times when I hated my spin instructors at other studios for telling me that I couldn't take a rest and I couldn't let me heartrate slow were...not smart crazy. Seriously. I was so appreciative when I thought about that that the instructors at Fit Girl know that after a huge climb, you need a little break.

Anyway- I had a two great workouts today! Thanks, Fit Girls!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you are enjoying your barre class! Good for you! What I like about barre workouts is that the activity really provides results. Most barre enthusiasts rave about the physical benefits of the workout. One is they achieve a lean, chiseled body because of the exercises. Others simply get addicted to the fun dance inspired workout and challenging choreography. It is like hitting two birds with one stone, since you are having fun and toning your body at the same time. [Nicolas Ervin]
