Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013: make your goals SMART

As the new year beings, many of us are setting goals for ourselves. The number one goal for Americans: Lose weight. The problem: we don't know how we're going to get there.

I have two ways that I'm going to reach MY goals this year and set myself up for success:

Make your goals, SMART!

You'll set yourself up by making your goals things are
Specific- Be clear about EXACTLY what you want to reach. I want to be the best me and I want to be fit are not specific. An example is: I want to be able to run non-stop for 30 minutes.
Measurable- Set a goal that allows you to measure and keep track of your progress. If losing weight is what you want to do then set a goal ("I want to lose 20 pound by the summer") and make sure that you track and write down your progress.
Attainable-  Sit down and think about the goal(s) that you are choosing. Are they realistic or attainable for you in the time frame that you have set? Losing 100 pound in a year is probably not attainable. Training for a marathon in two months is probably not attainable. Make sure to set goals for yourself that will allow you to see success. I'm not saying to set the bar low, but make sure that they are goals that you can in fact reach with consistency and commitment.
Relevant- Your goals should be important steps in helping you reach your ultimate goals- think big picture. Figure out where you want to go and have your goals reflect that. If your ultimate goal is to become an aerobics instructor, you should get out and try various aerobic classes and find out where your strengths are. You goal might be to try two new aerobics classes a month or get to classes a few times a week.
Time-bound- Decide on a deadline and stick to it. Goals are best met when you are giving yourself a specific date to reach them. If you want to train for your first half-marathon, then pick a race, sign up and map our your training. Races are a great way to give yourself a goal with a deadline. *GOALS are DREAMS with DEADLINES!*
Finally,I LOVE the idea of writing your goals out and framing them in a beautiful frame. This way, you're reminded of your goals for the month or year on a daily basis.
How are you setting yourself up for success this year? Let us know!

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